September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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TABC Descends on South of Cedar Area for Shabbaton

On the Shabbat following Purim, approximately 70 TABC students attended the inaugural South of Cedar shabbaton. After shabbatonim in Highland Park and Fair Lawn earlier this year, the final community shabbaton of the year took place in the Beth Aaron and South of Cedar parts of Teaneck. Highlights of the shabbaton included a Friday night oneg at the Kilimnick home, and a beautiful, outdoor seuda shlishit at the Cyrulnik home, followed by a musical Havdala. Over Shabbat, students were able to hear divrei Torah from the local rabbanim, including Rabbi Aharon Ciment (Arzei Darom), Rabbi Daniel Feldman (Ohr Saadya) and Rabbi Larry Rothwachs (Beth Aaron). Additionally, following the teen minyanim at Beth Aaron, Arzei Darom and Ohr Saadya on Shabbat morning, students heard a shiur from a TABC rebbe and enjoyed a hot kiddush. All in all, the Shabbat was jam packed from beginning to end with Torah and the legendary ruach of the TABC student body.

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