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October 18, 2024
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Religious Zionists: Emerging in Bergen County

After the Israeli elections of 2013, the religious Zionist camp has assumed a leading role in Israel’s government by its active involvement in Israel’s religious life, economy, housing development, and in­teraction with the diaspora.

Religious Zionism has indeed become the major engine of Jewish history in the last 47 years, since the Six Day war and the reunification of Jerusalem, by spearheading the development of Judea, Samaria, and the Golan, and the development of Torah study and educational institutions.

The World Religious Zionist move­ment is represented in the U.S. by Reli­gious Zionists of America (RZA), AMIT Women, Emunah, as well as their lo­cal and regional structures. Major com­munal organizations, such as the Ortho­dox Union and the National Council of Young Israel, share religious national and Zionist goals and values.

We are in the process of expanding our leadership base by encouraging and supporting local initiatives in a variety of areas led by local communal leaders, providing requested central guidance and coordination. Local leadership will include local chaverim, as well as Israeli shlichim of all kinds, Tora Mitzion, Bnei Akiva, Sherut Leumi, and student lead­ers. Regions will be formed where joint activities and close coordination of local activities can be established. Local and regional leadership will be actively in­volved in national affairs and planning.

This process has already begun. Local leadership is now operational in some major metropolitan areas and continues to expand.

To participate in the activities of the newly formed Religious Zionists of Bergen County regional group, contact Chaim Kiss at 201-970-7687, drhgang@, or the RZA office msokol@rza. org.

Dr. Chanania Gang is V.P. for activities and planning of the RZA. Martin Oliner is chairman.

By Dr. Chanania Gang

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