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October 18, 2024
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BMOB Hosts Scholar Rabbi David Katz

Bergenfield—Rabbi Dr. David Katz will be a scholar in residence at Bais Medrash of Bergenfield (BMOB) on Shabbat July 26 (Parshat Massei). Rabbi Dr. Katz will speak (a) immediately following Mussaf on “The Chasam Sofer and the Organic Connection between Politics and Psak,” (b) on Shabbat afternoon at 7 p.m. on “Openness, Insularity, Daf Yomi: R Meir Shapiro of Lublin Analyzes Prague and Pressburg as Competing Models of Orthodoxy” and (c) at Seudat Shlishit on “Maimonides on Free Intellectual Inquiry: Good or Bad? Well, it depends….”

Rabbi Dr. Katz teaches Jewish history at Johns Hopkins University, serves as rabbi at Congregation Beth Abraham in Baltimore, and is renowned for his very popular lectures on Jewish history that he delivers weekly in Baltimore.

BMOB is located at 371 South Prospect Avenue in Bergenfield. The shul has a very active scholar in residence and guest lecturer program, and it hosts leading rabbis, scholars, and educators throughout the year. BMOB is under the leadership of its rabbi, Rabbi Moshe Stavsky, who is an alumnus of Yeshivat Har Etzion, Yeshiva University, and the RIETS Wexner Kollel Elyon. He also serves on the faculty of Ramaz High School. The shul recently purchased a second property which currently houses some of its youth groups and may be used for a future expansion.

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