Joey Goffstein of Teaneck is set to return home this week after spending 10 days in the Dominican Republic. Joey was on the “Lindos Sueños” program, a humanitarian mission sponsored by Major League’s Boston Red Sox and Jet Blue Airways. Lindos Sueños translates into English as “Beautiful Dreams.” The Lindos Sueños program strives to bring people of different backgrounds together through the common appeal of baseball and community service.
Created in 2004, with an incredibly generous donation from a baseball-loving mom and philanthropist, Lindos Sueños has sent American teens to the Dominican Republic every year since the program’s inception. Once the American teens arrive in the Dominican, they perform community service and play baseball alongside 10 teammates from across the Dominican Republic. The 20 teens serve a community in need each morning and spend each afternoon playing baseball at the Red Sox Dominican Academy. Program sponsor JetBlue Airways donates roundtrip flights for all 20 teens and members of the Lindos Sueños staff. Once again, Joey has served his community proudly and we know the other participants gained as much from him as he did from this wonderful experience.