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October 18, 2024
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Erev Shabbat and Shabbat December 12 and 13

Erev Shabbat   Congregation Beth Abrahm 8:15PM 396 New Bridge Road

Charlie Harary will speak in commemoration of the second yartzeit of Sari Ort, a”h

Rabbi Jesse Horn  Scholar in Residence  Congregation Beth Aaron  950 Queen Anne Road    Rav Jesse is a Ram at Yeshivat HaKotel where he is known for his methodological and Brisker approach to Gemara, creative shiurum in Tanach, and warm personality.

Friday night 7:45PM his topic will be “Noach, Yonah, Lot and Avraham: What It Takes to Start Up a Nation”

2:50PM Shabbat afternoon, his topic will be “Shimshon’s Leadership, Individuality and Central Role in Sefer Shoftim” and between Mincha and Maariv his topic will be “Shevach:What Are the First Three Brachot of the Shemona Esrei All About?”

Scholar in Residence  Congregation Rinat Yisrael  389 West Englewood

Professor Shnayer L:eiman, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies of Yeshiva University

Scholar in Residence  Congregation Bnai Jeshurun 641 West Englewood

Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rabbi of the Young Israel of the West Side

FRIDAY NIGHT ONEG AT 8:00  Models of Jewish Leadership Circa 2015


SHABBAT MORNING DRASHA  Communication in the Age of Facebook, Twitter and the iPhone


FOLLOWING MINCHA AT 3:55PM   Finding Balance in Frenetic Times Through the Prism of the Patriarchs & Matriarchs.  Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen has served as Rabbi of the Young Israel of the West Side  since 2006

Motzei Shabbat  December 13th

Project Ezrah Annual Dinner     8:00PM   Congregation Keter Torah  600 Roemer Avenue

Honoring Rabbi Yossie Stern z’l and offering hakarat ha-tov to our community. Rabbis and recognition of neighbors who have extended their hands in help. RSVP at or call 201 569 9047.

Sunday, December 14th

Shirah: Annual Chanukah concert    1:30PM  Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, Taub Campus 411 E Clinton Ave Tenafly

Celebrate Chanukah with music and the Shirah Choir singing songs in  Hebrew, English, Yiddish and Ladino.  A free gift to the community from the Weinflash family.


Monday, December 15th

Serving Our Creator With a Healthy Mind and Body Lecture Series  8:30PM  Congregation Beth Aaron  950 Queen Anne Rd

Rabbi Larry Rothwachs “Matters of the Mind: What Everyone Needs to Know About Mental Illness”

Making Sense of the Senses: Annual Lecture Series given by Rabbi Shalom Baum    8:30PM  Congregation Keter Torah  600 Roemer Ave

The Magic or Tragic Touch  Embracing People and Mitzvoth or Ray Ricing

Young Israel / Fort Lee’s Adult Education Institute presents:

Rabbi Dr. Jacob Reiner- “Chassidism vs. Mitnagdim: The Battle for the Soul of Judaism”.

11 AM in the shul’s Schlussel Sanctuary, 1610 Parker Avenue, Ft Lee, NJ

Get beautiful, last minute Chanukah gifts for children, teens and adults at Bunny Hain’s Jewelry.

Shop by appointment from Dec. 15 through Dec. 19 by calling 201-837-8437. 526 Rutland Avenue, Teaneck.

Featuring the latest styles of sterling silver jewelry that doesn’t tarnish and 14K gold.

Tuesday, December 16th  First night of Chanukah

Chanukah Wonderland  5:30PM  Chabad of Fort Lee 808 Abbott Blvd Ft Lee

Grand Menorah Lighting, Latkes, Donuts and Dinner  Jerry Brown the Monkey Man  Devonte the Magician  and much more.   Free of Charge

RSVP to [email protected]

Thursday, December 18th

Community Wide Chanukah Youth Event 6:30PM – 8:00PM Congregation Keter Torah  600 Roemer Avenue

Featuring the Chicago Boyz Acrobatic Team. $10 per person ($50 family max)  Candle lighting, singing and tasty Chanukah treats.

Monday, December 22nd

Making Sense of the Senses: Annual Lecture Series given by Rabbi Shalom Baum    8:30PM  Congregation Keter Torah  600 Roemer Ave

Welcome to the Garden of ( Eden) The Doghouse: Judaism’s Place for Wine, Spirits, and the 5 Napkin Burger

Young Israel / Fort Lee’s Adult Education Institute presents:

Rabbi Zev Goldberg- “The Great Debate Over the Great Sanhedrin”

11 AM in the shul’s Schlussel Sanctuary, 1610 Parker Avenue, Ft Lee, NJ


Thursday, December 25th

MA’AYANOT ANNUAL DAY OF STUDY in the Liberal Arts and Sciences   9:30AM- 12:30PM     December 25th  1650 Palisade Avenue

The program will begin with a keynote address by Dr. Julie Goldstein, Chair of Ma’ayanot’s Jewish History Department, on the topic Isaac’s Ashes: The Startling Representation of Children in Jewish Culture. The keynote address will be followed by sessions on advanced topics in the liberal arts and sciences taught by members of the Ma’ayanot faculty, including:

Mrs. Enid Goldberg (English) & Mrs. Leah Herzog (Tanakh)Fathers, Daughters, and the Issue of Kingship in King Lear and the Book of SamuelMs. Sarah Gordon (Talmud)Pro-Slavery Rabbis? Rabbinic Debates from the Civil WarMrs. Mel Kapustin (Jewish History)Jewish Attitudes Towards Secular Studies Throughout the AgesMrs. Gila Stein (Science Chair)Real Life CSI: The Science of How Crimes are Actually SolvedMrs. Merav Tal-Timen (Hebrew Chair)Beginning, End, and what’s in Between: Age and the Perception of Time Ms. Devorah Wolf (Talmud) Foreignness and Kindness: Megillat Rut and Shakespeare’s Othello


Lubavitch on the Palisades   Open House Pre-K and Elementary  11 Harold St Tenafly  RSVP [email protected]

Motzei Shabbat December 27th

Installation of Rabbi Binyamin Y Krohn    8:00PM   Young Israel of Teaneck

868 Perry Lane Teaneck  Dessert Reception to Follow

Annual Panoply Night  8:00PM  Congregation Beth Aaron 950 Queen Anne Road

Cost 25.00 per person sign online at

Sunday, December 28th

Trip to Big Apple Circus – Shake It Up a social group for Adults 18+ a division of Yachad  11:00AM – 3:45PM

Transportation provided. Snacks Included  Cost $20.00 RSVP by Thursday, December 4th  Reva Judas [email protected] 201 833 1349

Monday, December 29th

Serving Our Creator With a Healthy Mind and Body Lecture Series  8:30PM  Congregation Beth Aaron  950 Queen Anne Rd

Rabbi Larry Rothwachs “Torah Living for the OCD, Anxiety Disordered or Struggling Addict”

Young Israel / Fort Lee’s Adult Education Institute presents:

Rabbi Dr. Jacob Reiner “ The Maimonidean Controversy”

11 AM in the shul’s Schlussel Sanctuary, 1610 Parker Avenue, Ft Lee, NJ

Motzei Shabbat  Jan 3

Jewish Learning Experience Annual Dinner 7:45PM  Temple Beth Shalom 40-25 Fair Lawn Ave  Fairlawn

Honoring Ken Goffstein and featuring musical entertainment by Pay Dalid.

Sunday, January 4th

JESC Breakfast  9:30AM  Congregation Keter Torah  600 Roemer Ave Teaneck

Honoring Shirley and Solomon Bitton and Dena and Moshe Kinderlehrer

Contact Esther Schwab 201 262 1090  [email protected]

Monday, January 5th

Serving Our Creator With a Healthy Mind and Body Lecture Series  8:30PM  Congregation Beth Aaron  950 Queen Anne Rd

Rabbi Larry Rothwachs “Eating Disorders in the Jewish Community: Prevention, Detection and Treatment”

Sunday, January 11th

Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey 77th Annual Dinner  6:00PM  Congregatio Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Avenue.  Guests of Honor, Israel and Cindy Wiesel and Keter Shev Tov awardees, David and Shira Greenberg. For further information and/or reservations  call 201 986 1414 or

Monday, January 12th

Serving Our Creator With a Healthy Mind and Body Lecture Series  8:30PM  Congregation Beth Aaron  950 Queen Anne Rd

Rabbi Larry Rothwachs “Genetic Testing and Preventive Medical Intervention in Halacha and Hashkafa”

February 2

Serving Our Creator With a Healthy Mind and Body Lecture Series  8:30PM  Congregation Beth Aaron  950 Queen Anne Rd

Rabbi Larry Rothwachs “Shemirat Shabbat vs Shemirat ha-Nefesh:Health Management and Medical Treatment on Shabbat”


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