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October 18, 2024
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Project Ezrah’s Purim Packet: The Packet That Does It All

The Purim Packet that does it all is once again available from Project Ezrah. Easy ordering of tasty morsels and their delivery makes the concept of M’shloach Manot more meaningful, as well as being an eagerly awaited treat.

Sensitive to the current economy and budget restrictions facing some of our neighbors, the modest packets make a germane and meaningful statement, lauded by local rabbis as the “appropriate” approach to M’shloach Manot: simple, tasteful and meaningful.

Since 2002 the organization has offered a “complete Purim Packet,” complete because the packet covers two of Purim’s most meaningful and important mitzvot: M’shloach Manot and Matanos L’evyonim. The custom designed beautifully presented package contains 2 Purim treats and is delivered by volunteers to each customer’s chosen recipient(s) on Purim Day. And, on Purim Day, the larger portion of the packet’s cost is distributed to neighbors in need as Matanos L’evyonim. The cost? $8! Based on last year’s orders, the organization expects to sell over 7000 packets for Purim 2015.

There are two Purim Packet options: Buy a bunch packets which are pre-ordered and picked up at Ben Porat Yosef (the Yeshiva has graciously given Project Ezrah a packing and staging area for the past four years) or “Delivered Packets” taken by volunteers on Purim Day to customers’ chosen recipients. The 2015 packet and Purim logo have been redesigned by the design firm of Julie Farkas. As always, the custom-ordered contents, covering two “brochot” or blessings, are kept top secret until Purim Day.

Mitzvah Go-reret Mitzvah: In past years, Project Ezrah has looked to assist other Jewish communities by supporting small businesses: in 2005 Project Ezrah imported delectable goodies, called “alfajores dulce de leche,” from a Jewish merchant in Buenos Aires, Argentina; anyone who sampled these unique mouth-watering confections gave them the highest “5 gragger rating!” In response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2006, the organization contacted one of New Orleans’ premier kosher bakers and placed an order for 5000 pralines and 5000 mini pecan pies. Such a large order needed many workers and the bakery was able to offer much-needed jobs to members of the Jewish community. Additional items have been imported from Israel and, of course, local businesses are always the first to be contacted for the year’s specialty.

Orders can be made by calling the Project Ezrah office: 201-569-9047 or by visiting their website, and clicking on the Purim icon. Because past years have sold out, Project Ezrah urges those interested to place their orders promptly.

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