February 23, 2025

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A Daily Dose of Torah: Torahalivein5.com

With so many daily responsibilities, it is often difficult to find the time to consistently incorporate Torah learning in one’s life. The website torahalivein5.com changes that.

Founded by Rabbi Dani Kunstler, brother-in-law of Teaneck’s Chezky and Faigy Ort, torahalivein5.com offers shiurim on a variety of topics ranging from Gemarah to Pirkei Avot to Chofetz Chaim, each lasting for five minutes. The website features shiurim by notable rabbanim and educators such as Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky, Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, Rabbi Moshe Rosenstein, Rabbi Ilan Ginian, Rabbi Eli Marburger and Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker. Subscribers can choose the shiurim they are interested in, plan a schedule for when they would like to listen to the shiurim, and then receive links to the shiurim in their email inbox on the day they have requested them for. This easy access allows people to listen on-the-go from their smartphones as they commute.

“There’s a huge need for a website like this. There are people who are in touch with me, that this is the only learning they do at all,” said Kunstler. “This is the most easily accessible learning program in the world.”

Based in Israel in Ramat Eshkol, Rabbi Kunstler, who has been involved in Torah education for over a decade, saw a need for the website after one of his former students, having returned to America after spending time learning in Israel, expressed frustration at not having enough time for his Torah learning. “One student I used to learn with every week one day said to me, I need more learning in my day, but I don’t have the time to do it,” said Rabbi Kunstler. “And I said, every night I learn Gemara. I’ll record five minutes and I’ll send it to you.”

The next day that student listened to Kunstler’s gemara recording on the train to work. The arrangement between Kunstler and this student ultimately evolved into a daily routine. “After a few months, we were talking, and I realized that this is a need, and it went from one series of classes to a few hundred people,” said Kunstler.

The website has been up for about a year and a half now, though the idea and program itself had been around 2-3 years prior to the website. Kunstler began by keeping a calendar and sending emails containing the shiurim manually out of his own personal inbox. He gathered shiurim on the different chagim of the year, such as Chanukah, Purim and Pesach. “I wanted to get quantity before quality. I went to very close friends of mine who are Torah scholars and I said, hey, I need mesechtas, I need the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch,” said Kunstler. “Once I had a basis of classes, I started going to Rabbi Orlofsky and Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, to do more series.” Kunstler then approached Charlie Harary and experts in a range of Torah topics, who were more than willing to let him use their shiurim for his program.

As things picked up, Kunstler realized he needed a more efficient and sophisticated service than manual email. He had an automated email program developed which the website currently uses; subscribers receive their classes in their personal email inbox and they can click on the attachment and download their shiur.

“People are finishing whole masechtos (tractates) this way, and that’s 120 classes. People are finishing entire topics, from navi to hilchos shabbos,” said Kunstler. “Look what you can do in five minutes.”

Individuals interested in checking out the classes available at torahalivein5.com can subscribe to the website for thirty days for free, with a limited number of classes available. There is a VIP option for 5$ per month or 50$ per year, which provides access to all of the classes. Schools or shuls can subscribe and receive complete access for all of their members. Visit torahalivein5.com for more information.

By Esther Hirsch

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