Our son, Meir Fox is currently doing his third tour of miluim, this time at the Gaza border. While it is difficult to leave his wife and children as well as his job at Google, he serves proudly with his Givati Brigade to protect the county and to hopefully help speed the end of the war. Sometimes, a small occurrence brings a smile to a soldier when it is least expected. Meir, a Frisch graduate, sent us this message along with this photo of a note that drew his attention—and turned out to be from a Frisch student.
Apparently, this girl once volunteered at the base and sent a letter of appreciation to whoever would come across it. The fact that it was on Frisch stationery made it even more special for him. At this very trying time, when we all look to see what we can do for our precious chayalim, sometimes a little note goes a long way.