February 16, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

A New Torch Ignites Boro Park: Kollel Chatzos

The Boro Park Blitz Campaign will set klal Yisrael on fire.

Ever since Kollel Chatzos has become known as a sentry of shemira and bracha for its surrounding community, Boro Park residents have been clamoring for a kollel of their own. “Monsey, Monroe, Meron and Williamsburg are zoche to bracha; why not Boro Park?” people questioned.

At long last, Kollel Chatzos has heeded the tzibur’s call.

The Kollel Chatzos administrators received eloquent brachos and warm wishes for hatzlacha from many of Boro Park’s gedolim and admorim, encouraging the administrators to open the Boro Park kollel. This effusive enthusiasm gave the administrators the strength to undertake the tremendous project.

After extensive effort, the kollel administration found a most befitting location for such a special endeavor—the Neimos HaChaim Bais Medrash on 46th Street, whose spaciousness and beauty will enable the kollel yungeleit to learn with harchavas hada’as and geshmak.

The kollel is fortunate that Rav Daniel Gross, shlita, has assumed the position of rosh kollel. Renowned for his gadlus baTorah and hasmada, Rav Gross will be a beacon of inspiration and insight for the kollel, creating an impact that will resonate in the entire Boro Park community.

An elite group of esteemed talmidei chachamim have enrolled in the kollel. While each talmid chacham is a serious learner in his own right whose days are dedicated to Torah, these men look forward to infusing their nights with the aliya reserved for Kollel Chatzos lomdim. In addition, the kollel includes five erudite poskim, who will be available to answer the kollel’s Bais Horaah hotline and provide guidance and hadracha throughout the night hours.

However, while this kollel will certainly open wellsprings of bracha for Boro Park, at this moment, the kollel needs Boro Park to open that wellspring… The Boro Park Blitz Campaign is a 24-hour campaign on March 1 in which klal Yisrael will rally together on behalf of Boro Park. With all donations until 25k matched by an anonymous donor, klal Yisrael will make Kollel Chatzos a reality in Boro Park and the Kollel Chatzos hashpa’os a reality for Boro Park.

People are excited to join the campaign. It’s a chance to stoke the fire that will ignite Boro Park in a most luminous way.

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