The Teaneck community was treated to two musical productions in support of Israel over the New Year’s weekend.
On Sunday, December 31 at Congregation Keter Torah, Simcha Leiner and his musical group presented an inspirational kumzitz in support of Sderot and other southern communities in Israel. The event was sponsored by Keter Torah and local individuals.

On Monday, January 1 at the Teaneck Jewish Center, Noah Solomon and C Lanzbom of Soulfarm delivered one of their signature concerts, which included many Shlomo Carlebach tunes and lots of dance-along songs, for the many children who attended to enjoy. The concert was sponsored by Beis Menachem of Teaneck, Arzei Darom, the CareOne minyan, Congregation Lev Le ‘aas, Netivot Shalom, Ohr Saadya, Temple Emeth and The Jewish Center.