July 27, 2024
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July 27, 2024
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A Note on the Dikduk Of Hashem’s Name

Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of the Ahavas Israel Kehilla in Passaic told us that Rabbi Hershel Schachter taught him years ago that in Hallel, when we say (Psalms 114:7) “Milifnei Adon chuli aretz, milifnei Elo-ha Yaakov,” it’s a common mispronunciation that many of us make of the Shem Hashem. Really, the pronunciation is “Elo-ah.” (This is because of a rule in dikduk called patach genuvah.)

From what I understand, Rabbi Schachter thought this was an important note to realize, because it’s an easy fix we can make in our tefillah to correctly pronounce Hashem’s name.

Since Pesach is coming up, and in America we’ll say Hallel 10 times (or 12 if your minhag is to say Hallel during Maariv on the first two nights) throughout its course, maybe this small teaching will come in handy.

Wishing everyone a healthy chag kasher v’sameach!

Ariel Israel
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