A nation so loved
A nation so hated
Our unique existence
Cannot be debated.
Torture and murder
Expulsions and more
Crusades and pogroms
SS guards at the door.
All kinds of torment
That man could devise
Were heaped on the Jews
Yet, we must realize
That despite all the horrors
And all the insanity
We, as a people
Never lost our humanity.
What other people
What other nation
Do acts of chesed
With such dedication?
Who else has a Shomrim
Misaskim, Hatzalah?
Who else has Chaveirim
And Hachnosas Kallah?
Who else has a Zaka
With volunteers in place
Whose pure noble goals
Include Kavod Hameis?
And what about Gemachs
A Jewish invention
To lend out what’s needed
Is their sole intention.
Rachmanim b’nei rachmanim
Defines who we are
It’s part of our essence
It’s carried us far.
From birth until death
We are part of a whole
We connect to each other
Through our spirit and soul.
We have our shortcomings
And we have have faults as well
But one thing is for certain
Mi K’amcha Yisrael!!!!!
May our acts of chesed serve as a zechus for refuos and yeshuos for all of Klal Yisrael.
Mimi Gardenswartz lives in Passaic.