March 9, 2025

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An Interview With Kollel Chatzos Yungeleit

Mazel tov! With joy and celebration, klal Yisrael welcomes the newest Kollel Chatzos in the “ir v’eim b’Yisrael,” Boro Park. Situated in the beautiful Ne’imos HaChaim Bais Medrash, comprising an elite group of hand-picked talmidei chachamim, the kollel is impressive indeed. The fifth in the Kollel Chatzos network, the kollel is a reflection of the high caliber of Chatzos Kollelim worldwide.

In honor of the kollel inauguration, we present an exclusive interview with kollel yungeleit.

What inspired you to enroll in this unique “middle-of-the-night kollel”?

Reb Meir: For years I have been thinking that I wish I could find a way to learn at night. During the day, I’m so preoccupied with my responsibilities that I can’t be entirely focused on my learning. In fact, at times I even wished I had the financial means to pay a chavrusa to keep me company learning throughout the night! So when I heard the kollel was opening a Boro Park branch, my personal dream was realized.

Reb Menachem: After learning the sefer “Chok l’Yisrael” every day for several years, I have been inspired time and again by the rousing words of the Zohar describing the greatness of chatzos learning. So I undertook to do what I could; I woke up at 3 a.m. for my mini nightlong learning session. I had never thought I could actually be zoche to learn all night—in the company of a chabura of Torah giants, too. But now, thanks to Kollel Chatzos, indeed, zachisi, I have merited to do so.

Reb Yaakov: Look. Throughout the day, I am a magid shiur and moreh hora’ah, who paskens shailos. Although I really am osek in harbatzas haTorah, I feel like I don’t have time for my personal Torah learning. I joined the kollel primarily because I wanted my own learning time; the fact that this learning is happening in the auspicious chatzos hours is a special bonus to me.

How did Kollel Chatzos impact you?

Reb Meir: My entire family feels like Kollel Chatzos gives us a special status.

Reb Menachem: I am living the chazal “Ain simcha k’simchas haTorah.” It’s a true joy!

Practically speaking, I try to be available at home more to compensate for the long night hours that my wife is on her own. For example, I started helping my wife send the children to cheder and school. While this schedule was taxing for us all at the beginning, the fact that I am shteiging gives my wife the strength to keep on encouraging me.

Reb Yaakov: Since my obligations as magid shiur and posek have always over-crammed my schedule, I cannot say that Kollel Chatzos has had a great impact on my household’s rhythm… They’re used to having me out of the house!

What was your family’s reaction to the fact that you’re joining Kollel Chatzos?

Reb Meir: Well, I don’t really run around, broadcasting the news to the oilam. People look at it as a little bit…irregular? Interesting? But that’s because they don’t know what Kollel Chatzos means, how it transforms your learning, how it elevates your life. If they would come down and see the kollel in action, maybe they would understand.

Reb Menachem: I never formally told anyone about it. I feel like it’s too heilig… as if speaking about it is a breach of tznius.

Reb Yaakov: My friends and family give me a lot of credit and chizuk. Recently, my family had a get-together out of Boro Park, and my father-in-law told me I shouldn’t join: “Better learn at night.”

What’s it like to learn all night?

Reb Meir: Like m’ein Olam Haba. You sit and learn for hours on end. There’s no schmoozing, not because there’s a “no schmoozing takana,” but because you’re too involved in the sugya to get sidetracked by small talk. I’ve been here for several months, and I’ve yet to see the oilam get involved in a discussion. What I have seen is the true meaning of “ki heim chayeinu v’orech chayeinu,” how Torah gives life and is life.

Reb Menachem: I’m sorry. But I cannot possibly answer your question. I just don’t have the words. It’s a derhoibenkeit that you have to experience to understand…

Reb Yaakov: I’ve already learned that “fartugs learning” (early morning learning) has its particular geshmak. I never dreamed that I would experience the “fartugs geshmak” for six consecutive hours! “Matzasi es she’ahava nafshi.” Every moment is pure pleasure.

Can you describe the chabura?

Reb Meir: It’s a chashuve, esteemed group of exceptional talmidei chachamim, including five distinguished morei hora’ah and several respected marbitzei Torah. The fact that I am surrounded by greatness gives me the strength to continue.

Reb Menachem: Hodu l’Hashem that we possess such an illustrious group of talmidei chachamim. In nigleh, in nistar, their profundity and passion is mora’dig. I’ll give you an example. This past week, we were “handeling” whether we should break for bein hazmanim. And each kollel yungerman individually chose to continue—because kollel is pleasure and joy and everything good synonymous with vacation.

Reb Yaakov: It’s a joy to learn with such an esteemed chabura. The siyata Dishmaya that accompanies Kollel Chatzos in all undertakings is apparent here as well, for a hand-picked group of such exceptional individuals is a rarity.

How does it feel to daven on behalf of petitioners every night?

Reb Meir: It’s an awe-inspiring responsibility. Many times, I even take these bakashos home with me and continue to daven for these Yidden throughout the day.

Reb Menachem: I feel like a shaliach tzibur for klal Yisrael, as if the gates of Heaven have been opened wide for a few hours—and it is up to me to bring back to my brethren yeshuos. Sometimes, it’s hard to hear about the poignant tzaros—and these touch me to feel the tza’ar haShechina, as well.

Reb Yaakov: Besides for knowing that I’m davening at an auspicious time, the fact that people have paid money to enable us to learn gives us the strength and right to daven on their behalf.

What message would you like to share with kollel supporters?

Reb Meir: Fortunate is your chelek to share in this heilige chatzos halayla Torah. And don’t just listen to our reports; join us one night and experience the kollel joy.

Reb Menachem: Ashrei chelkechem. I don’t have the words to thank you because this Torah learning has delighted my life. And as the Zevulun of our partnership, I am certain that you too are reaping the bountiful rewards.

Reb Yaakov: May Hashem bentch you. If only you’d appreciate the tremendous value of your investment, of the value of Torah at chatzos, Torah learned with true mesirus nefesh and Torah learned with joy.

Thank you for sharing your time and insights with us. May Hashem continue to give you the strength to learn Torah and provide a nachas ruach to Hashem and yeshuos for klal Yisrael.

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