Palestine as an Independent State
Part I From the destruction of the Second Commonwealth by the Romans in 70 CE until the establishment of the modern state of Israel in
Part I From the destruction of the Second Commonwealth by the Romans in 70 CE until the establishment of the modern state of Israel in
For the Germans, WWII was perceived as a fight for survival. As historian Saul Friedländer noted, Jews were viewed as seeking to destroy the nations
Part X A Final Note Without the “prior deprivations, ostracism and institutionalized plunder of the German Jews—in full view and with the increasing approval and
Part IX ‘Hitler’s Furies: German Women In the Nazi Killing Fields’ “It must be kept in mind,” declared Raul Hilberg, “that most of the participants
Part XIII Ordinary Bureaucrats and Functionaries In this group of perpetrators, there were the ordinary bureaucrats and functionaries in the middle and lower levels of
Part VII A second group of perpetrators consisted of professionals and experts, who were not involved in politics. One was physicians. Half of the German
Part VI Why Did They Murder? Who Were They? What motivated the Germans to become mass murderers of Jews and others in the east? Historian
Part V How Were the Jews Murdered? In the East, “most of the Jews” were murdered through mass executions—“a killing procedure that had proven its
Part IV Justification for Murdering Every Jewish Man, Woman and Child In a speech on October 6, 1943, to the Reichsleiter (the second-highest political rank
Part III Operational Situation Reports The ruthless, unprecedented destruction by the Einsatzgruppen of the Jews was documented in great detail in daily Operational Situation Reports
Part II Providing Legitimacy for Murdering Civilians Even though the members of the Einsatzgruppen were recruited from the Security Police, the Security Services (SD), the
Part I On June 22, 1941, the Germans invaded the Soviet Union. It has been called the “most monstrous war of conquest, enslavement and extermination