February 10, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Ari Blinder

Articles by Ari Blinder

Challah =? Manna

In this week’s parsha, we learn about manna, the miraculous food that Hashem sent to feed the Jewish people in the desert. As an extra

How Bad Is One More Plague?

We know that after the plague of the firstborn, Pharaoh finally gives in and sends the Jews out from Egypt. Why did it take 10

Frogs and More Frogs

We know that the second plague in Mitzrayim was frogs. We all know the songs about frogs going everywhere throughout the land. But according to

The Burning Bush In a Flash

In this week’s parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu was called by Hashem through the burning bush to lead the Jews out of Egypt. Moshe begged Hashem to

A 60th for the Sick

This week’s parsha begins with the mitzvah of bikur cholim (visiting the sick) when Yosef visits Yaakov. Our sages teach that visiting the sick is

Miracle Multiplier Factor

Here is our last Chanukah 5785 installment. Looking back, we can imagine what a Chanukah miracle would look like today. In the original Chanukah miracle,


Do you know that your electronic devices light Chanukah menorahs? Not only that, they do it much more often than we do. We only light

Halftime in Chanukah

Chanukah is an eight day holiday, so that means there must be a time when we are halfway through it. So that’s the end of

Eavesdropping on Chanukah

Here’s another math problem to prepare for Chanukah. One day during Chanukah, Sarah overheard two of her friends talking: Rivky said, “My family lit a