Spiritual Opportunity Costs and Gains
The pasuk in our parsha states, “…the poets (‘Moshelim’) would say: ‘Come to Cheshbon—let it be built and established…’” (21:27). The Gemara (Bava Batra 78)
The pasuk in our parsha states, “…the poets (‘Moshelim’) would say: ‘Come to Cheshbon—let it be built and established…’” (21:27). The Gemara (Bava Batra 78)
What may contribute to focusing on, and speaking negatively about, another person’s seeming shortcomings or actions? According to Rav Leib Chasman, it seems that there
Originally, the meraglim were among the greats of Am Yisrael. Indeed, they were honorable, important people (Rashi, 13:3); they were wise and righteous (Ba’al HaTurim,
In our parsha (ch. 10), Moshe is told by Hashem to make two silver trumpets. In order to assemble people to Moshe, two trumpets were
Our parsha contains the Birkat Kohanim. Rav Binyamin Luban notes that the first stanza which states, “May Hashem bless you and safeguard you,” refers to
The midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 1:2) on our parsha records Hashem bemoaning the fact that He is not currently with Bnei Yisrael in the desert—the place
Our parsha contains the lists of blessings and curses. The section of blessings is introduced by the statement, “If you will follow My statutes, and
It states in our parsha (25:39-40), “If your brother becomes impoverished with you and is sold to you; you shall not work him with slave
Our parsha brings up the incident of the mekalel, the person who committed the atrocious and severe sin of blaspheming Hashem. How did he come
The Torah states: “You shall be holy, for holy am I, Hashem.” Fascinatingly, the midrash says that from the words, “You shall be holy,” it
The Gemara (Berachot 12) brings that “Anyone who has the opportunity to beseech (Hashem) for mercy on behalf of his fellow and does not beseech
Upon completion of the Mishkan’s inauguration and the first day of the sacrificial service, our parsha (9:23) says that “Moshe and Aharon came to the