Appreciating Torah
While one might think that receiving and bringing down the Torah was a simple and effortless matter on Moshe’s part, the Gemara seems to indicate
While one might think that receiving and bringing down the Torah was a simple and effortless matter on Moshe’s part, the Gemara seems to indicate
Our parsha begins with the census of Bnei Yisrael—with Hashem “counting” Bnei Yisrael. Hashem counting Bnei Yisrael is an expression of His endearment for us
Not just one day out of the week, or one week out of the month or even one month out of the year. The mitzvah
The joke goes of a husband who graciously offered if he can be of any help around the house. His wife responded: “The biggest help
Once, the famed Mashgiach of Mir—Rav Yerucham Levovitz—met an irreligious German professor, and Rav Yerucham attempted to draw this person back to Torah. The professor
While it’s clear from the Torah that man was created last in the process of the creation of the world, David Hamelech—at first glance—seems to
Having emunah in Hashem is more than just a method of coping, and making meaning of—and thereby enhancing difficult times. The merit of emunah holds
In parshat Tzav, the Torah says that the korban chatat (the sin-offering) should be slaughtered in the same place as the korban olah (the elevation-offering)
“And He called to Moshe, and Hashem spoke to him from the ohel moed.” Rashi says that this teaches us that Hashem’s voice stopped, and
The very beginning of parshat Pekudei refers to the Mishkan as the “Mishkan of testimony.” As Rashi explains, the Mishkan “testifies” to the fact that
I saw it quoted about Rav Moshe Feinstein, who said near the end of his life: “as far as I know, to the furthest extent
Our parsha centers around the kohanim and their related details. Interestingly, the midrash (Shemot Rabbah, 3:17) seems to imply that originally, Moshe was supposed to