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December 15, 2024
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Binyamin Benji

Binyamin Benji is a graduate of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan, and Wurzweiler School of Social Work. He currently learns in Eretz Yisroel, and is the author of the Sephardic Congregation of Paramus’ weekly Torah Talk. He can be reached at [email protected]

Articles by Binyamin Benji

Giving Whole‘Hard’edly

For some people, giving tzedaka could be easy; yet for others, it might be difficult. Our parsha begins with the topic of donations toward the

The Honor of the Thief

The very last pasuk of last week’s parsha says, “You shall not ascend My altar on steps, so that your nakedness will not be uncovered

Gratitude to the Selfish Dude

Yitro throws a party, and hosts Moshe, Aharon and all the Elders of Israel (18:12). The Gemara notes that Yitro really had self-centered motivations in

Give to Get the Geula

With so much going on in the world, and with so much difficulty all around us, one might wonder “when will this galut be over

Athiest or Egoist

I heard a story from R’ Gavriel Friedman about when he was once giving a philosophy-oriented class. He got up and began: “So you all

Attention to Detail

When Moshe is born, his mother tries to hide him. But after three months and no longer being able to hide him, the Torah describes

That Face, Though

In our parsha, Yaakov says: “Red eyed from wine, and white toothed from milk.” The Gemara (Ketubot 111) quotes Rav Dimi who explains that this

The Root to Change

Upon revealing his identity to his brothers, Yosef tells them “don’t be sad.” This remark implies that the brothers were sad and distressed. But they

Something Good in the Making

Until Yosef was taken from him, we don’t find Yaakov thinking negatively of any of the challenges he had endured thus far — and he

Lights of Love

The first Rashi in our parsha notes that whereas earlier the Torah briefly mentioned the circumstances of Eisav’s offspring and where he settled for they

Friendly Fire

Shortly before the expected confrontation between Yaakov and Eisav, Yaakov was met by the guardian angel of Eisav, and they had a wrestling match (32:25