Snaxit Provides Kosher Refreshments on Route 4 West Near the GWB
Convenience stores aren’t very convenient when you want something to eat and all you can do is look longingly at the non-kosher food for sale.
Convenience stores aren’t very convenient when you want something to eat and all you can do is look longingly at the non-kosher food for sale.
Big brother is not watching us, yet, but the people who produce, market and sell food for the kosher consumer are closely following our cyber
Reviewing: “Safe Haven in America: Battles to Open the Golden Door” by Michael Wildes. American Bar Association. 2018. English. Hardcover. 200 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1641051897. Immigration
Reviewing “Perfect Flavors: Creative, easy-to-prepare recipes inspired by my family and travels.” By Naomi Nachman. Artscroll Mesorah Publications Ltd. 2018. English. Hardcover. ISBN-13: 978-1422622384. “Perfect
On a cool, rainy day in November, two friends braved the weather to have lunch together at Rabica. “I come for the delicious food and
Remember the last time you were in Israel, when you had a craving for some really good shawarma, or maybe falafel and hummus? You went
On December 20, 2017, President Donald Trump commuted Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin’s 27-year prison sentence for bank fraud. An executive in Agriprocessors Inc., a kosher slaughtering
All successful businesses start with a great idea. But not all great ideas turn into successful businesses: 50 percent of businesses fail during their first
Shalom Yehudiel could have stayed in California in his position as the executive chef at Catal and Uva Bar & Cafe in Disneyland. He also
If you have been to Israel recently, maybe just returning from the Sukkot holiday, you know that Israel has developed a thriving art scene, with
It’s hard enough to bear the loss of a child. The pain is magnified when there is no final resting place, no closure. Professor Simha
Mazel tov to Gabrielle Strulowitz, daughter of Caron and Michael Strulowitz of Englewood, and Isaac “Yitzi” Markel, son of Celia and Michael Markel of Teaneck,