Klal Yisrael Participates in Dirshu Yom Limud And Tefillah on Chofetz Chaim’s Yahrzeit
Tefillah gatherings led by gedolei Yisrael at the Kosel and at kever of Chazon Ish. “The main teshuva is Torah!” That is what Rav Aharon
Tefillah gatherings led by gedolei Yisrael at the Kosel and at kever of Chazon Ish. “The main teshuva is Torah!” That is what Rav Aharon
There will be special programming in schools and chizuk from gedolei Yisrael and prominent rabbanim on videocast. If there was ever a time that Klal
If you want to engage in hatzalas nefashos, saving lives, not just the lives of others but your own spiritual life, you should be at
Rare. It is extremely rare to witness a gathering of the senior elder gedolei hador from across the spectrum as they gather together in one
A clarion call for Shemiras Shabbos from the home of HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Shlita. It was a small meeting in the home of Rav
Uplifting maamad of kavod HaTorah at Prudential Center as Klal Yisrael set to undertake the learning of Hilchos Shabbos. Klal Yisrael needs shemirah… desperately! The
Massive Dirshu “Kinnus Olam HaTorah, Kabbolas Shabbos Event” to be held before Shavuos at Prudential Center. The Prudential Center? Is Dirshu really renting out the
Rav Yitzchok Ezrachi and Rav Raphael Abuchatzeirah address Amud HaYomi siyum in Buenos Aires. The floodgates opened! It happened during the drasha of HaGaon HaTzaddik,
HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Ezrachi and HaGaon HaRav Raphael Abuchatzeira address massive united gathering of Mexico Torah observant community. “What a special maamad of kavod haTorah!
HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galei got up and grabbed the microphone. It was a totally spontaneous moment that left tears of emotion in the eyes of
100 years after Daf HaYomi was inaugurated in Vienna, a new “yomi” takes klal Yisrael by storm. “This historic maamid transpiring now, in a place
“There has never been anything like this in South America! The size, the scope and most importantly the excited anticipation for the first ever Amud