Dirshu Yom Limud U’Tefillah Inspires on Chofetz Chaim’s Yahrzeit
What do Houston, Miami, Brooklyn, The Five Towns and Lakewood all have in common? All of them were cities that participated in Dirshu’s momentous Yom
What do Houston, Miami, Brooklyn, The Five Towns and Lakewood all have in common? All of them were cities that participated in Dirshu’s momentous Yom
The Chofetz Chaim’s yahrzeit is a tremendous eis ratzon, a remarkable time to invoke Divine mercy. In the last generations, there has perhaps been no
If there was ever a time that Klal Yisroel needed to unite in a massive outpouring of tefillah and achdus; if there was ever a
Shiurim given daily by leading gedolei Yisrael. Yes, a worldwide pandemic has infiltrated virtually everywhere… Now, there is a worldwide antidote that is illuminating and
‘Bezechus HaTorah’ program will provide bachurim with a unique opportunity. We are living in unprecedented times! Since Purim, many of our holy yeshivos have not
“I have never seen anything like this at a Dirshu test! I have been taking Dirshu tests for 12 years straight, rarely missing a test,
Dirshu provides chizuk in the wake of COVID devastation. Just a few months ago, French Jewry gathered for the biggest Siyum HaShas in the history
Klal Yisrael is magnificent! In the chaos of the COVID-19 mageifa they are showing their love of Hashem and His Torah, in unprecedented ways. With
No matter where Yidden find themselves throughout the world, the coronavirus is upending their lives in unprecedented ways. The way our religious life and family
One of the only countries in the world that Hashem has spared from corona celebrates Siyum Hashas. “I looked at the orchestra and had to
“Everything has changed, nothing is routine or normal in my life anymore,” said Moshe R*, a ben Torah from Brooklyn. “The bais medrash where I
“Upon entering the Spinka Shul in Boro Park, I couldn’t believe my eyes! The large beis midrash was packed. Upstairs, downstairs, wherever one looked…people were