Toolbox Tip for Olim #2: Reinventing Yourself in Israel
Transform your passion into a profession. Note: Olim Paveway’s Toolbox Tips for Olim is a series of short articles offering useful information for anyone moving
Transform your passion into a profession. Note: Olim Paveway’s Toolbox Tips for Olim is a series of short articles offering useful information for anyone moving
(StatePoint) When looking at the drab walls and bare windows of a college dorm room, there’s no need for students to feel “blah.” Instead, dorm
(BPT) Travel is a time for joy and relaxation, and the last thing you want to worry about is your home while you’re away. To
In honor of Parashat Vayeira, Avraham and Sarah joined BPY early childhood’s Kabbalat Shabbat! The children got to be guests in their tent allowing Avraham
The RYNJ lower and middle school students were engaged in hachnasas orchim, with each lower school class paired with a middle school class to visit.
Inspired by Avraham Avinu, Cheder Yaldei Menachem delved into the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim, inviting guests. While some children practiced setting the table, others prepared
In honor of last week’s parsha, Gan Henel children had so much fun welcoming friends from other classes to their classroom. They made signs, sang
In conjunction with Parshas Vayeira, Anshei Lubavitch students learned all about hachnasas orchim (welcoming guests)! The children enthusiastically hosted other classes, showcasing their amazing hospitality
In celebration of Parshat Vayeira, Moriah pre-k created a vibrant “Bruchim Haba’im” sign, inspired by Avraham’s hospitality. Combining the fall unit with the parsha, children
The RYNJ ECD looks forward each year to the Tent Event, where MS Principals Morah Zucker and Rabbi Bernstein dress up like Avraham and Sarah.
Tenafly Chabad Preschoolers learned all about the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim in Parshat Vayeira. They learned that Avraham’s tent had four doors to welcome guests
WTA zra’im bet students (2s) learned that in Parashat Vayeira וירא, Avraham and Sarah hosted three angels in their tent and gave them food and