Ohr Yisroel Gets Into The Elul Spirit
Ohr Yisroel shiurim jumped into Elul zman with introductory shiurim in Maseches Kiddushin and a range of inspirational talks about the growth opportunities that lie
Ohr Yisroel shiurim jumped into Elul zman with introductory shiurim in Maseches Kiddushin and a range of inspirational talks about the growth opportunities that lie
This week, WDS welcomed back GrowTorah into its garden for another incredible semester. Farmer Shimon welcomed the students back to the garden on behalf of
The Parents Council welcomed the MDS community back with an unforgettable afternoon of fun for all ages! Over 400 people gathered on Sunday, September 8,
Last Friday, new Tenafly Chabad Academy students in fifth-eighth grade were invited to a special lunch with the school administration. Each student had the opportunity
Yeshivat Noam eighth graders have a blast exploring a corn maze, picking apples and taking a hayride together.
To kick off an amazing start to their middle school career, the BPY sixth grade class embarked on a trip full of team building fun
This past Sunday, over 500 people gathered together at Veteran’s Memorial Park in River Edge for RYNJ’s second annual Family Fun Day. Families enjoyed bounce
He’atid sixth grade scientists explored the fascinating world of density with a hands-on experiment comparing hot and cold water.
Yavneh Academy seventh graders had a blast last week at their Back to School Bonding program. They enjoyed playing games together such as Human Guess
Known as Israel’s eyes on the Gaza border, units of young female soldiers sit in surveillance bases for hours, looking for signs of anything suspicious.
Mrs. Menasha’s sixth grade science classes learned about the scientific method. The students learned about observation, asking questions, creating a hypothesis, prediction, testing and tweaking
The Class of 2028 enjoyed a day off campus to bond as a grade and forge connections with faculty in a relaxed setting. After a