Giving Back
Aim Hire, Employment with Dignity, assists Jewish people who over age 40 get jobs. We’ve seen an unprecedented influx of new job seekers. People who
Aim Hire, Employment with Dignity, assists Jewish people who over age 40 get jobs. We’ve seen an unprecedented influx of new job seekers. People who
I would like to thank The Link for allowing its letters section to be a beacon for free speech. Last week was an extraordinary example
No American president—Democratic or Republican—has pursued policies in the Middle East or espoused views on Israel that align perfectly with my own. Should Kamala Harris
Hamas murders six hostages in cold blood, and the world, including many Israelis and Jews, blame Netanyahu. That is insanity Hamas has been terrorizing and
In land size, Russia controls about one-eighth of the land surface of the earth, and still wants more. Israel is about the size of New
(Courtesy of the Simchat Torah Project) October 7t was Simchat Torah in Israel. Nearly 1,200 people were murdered and hundreds more were taken hostage. We,
(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) With the opening of the new school year, Bris Avrohom affixed a new mezuzah at the main entrance of Cheder Yaldei
This year’s annual I. David and Miriam Goldstein Teshuva Lecture will take place at Cong. Ohr Torah in Edison on Sunday, Sept. 22 at 8
Jewish Family Service of Central NJ (JFSCNJ) will present a four-session virtual group to support young people facing a challenging climate on college campuses this
Josh Teplow is showing prints that celebrate Jewish themes at the Englewood Public Library until September 30. The prints are part of a series of
As we prepare our hearts for the High Holy Days, the community is invited to join together for an inspiring Selichot service on Motzei Shabbat,
The Jewish Genealogical Society of New York invites members of the public to their next program, “Help! I got my DNA Results and I’m Confused!