Sometimes All It Takes Is One Mitzvah
Highlighting: “Zera Shimshon on Tehillim” by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer. Mesorah Publications Ltd. 2024. Hardcover. 350 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1422640319. (Courtesy of Artscroll) The pasuk in Tehillim
Highlighting: “Zera Shimshon on Tehillim” by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer. Mesorah Publications Ltd. 2024. Hardcover. 350 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1422640319. (Courtesy of Artscroll) The pasuk in Tehillim
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Pesach Sheini taught CYM quite a significant life lesson! The children celebrated getting a second chance to perform the Pesach mitzvot for those who missed
Tenafly Chabad Academy’s fourth-grade students recently hosted an impressive and educational County Fair. Each student selected a country to research in-depth, covering various aspects such
Last week Gan Henel children made a quick trip to Israel! They went to the Kotel, the Dead Sea and even took a tiyul to
The children of the Lauren Elise Bier Nursery School had a visit from the Hatzalah of West Orange and Livingston ambulance and volunteers. This was
Residents of Bright Side Manor, a local assisted living facility, were treated to a multi-cultural dance performance by the students of Tiferet of Teaneck. Tiferet
In honor of Lag B’Omer, the yeladim enjoyed their friendship unit. They learned all about Rabbi Akiva and his famous lesson of “v’ahavtah l’rayacha kamocha,
The weather has turned warmer and all the students at Shalom Yeladim are getting ready for Lag B’Omer! They learned songs like “Amar Rabbi Akiva”
The girls in 3G worked in partners to translate the story of רבי עקיבא using picture cues. The girls were able to apply their previous
Anshei Lubavitch students eagerly reached day 33 of the Omer count, celebrating Lag B’omer with enthusiasm! They created bonfire artwork, attended make-believe bonfires with S’mores,