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September 20, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Jewish Link Staff

Articles by Jewish Link Staff

Ben-Gvir Murder Plot Foiled

The Iranian suspects also planned to kill former MK Yehudah Glick. Israel caught a Tehran-sponsored terrorist cell plotting to carry out attacks in the Jewish

Responses to a Critic

A critic responded at length [in an unpublished letter] to our challenging the widespread assumption that the Chafetz Chaim forbade electric shavers. He acknowledged that

Sports Facts

During the September 19 council meeting, Councilwoman Goldberg suggested an ordinance to create a new Fields Advisory Board and presented this as a reflection of

Illegal Immigration

Too many people responding to M. Greenberg’s letter (“Liberal Activism in Our Schools,” September 7, 2023) have romanticized illegal immigration. My grandparents came here legally,

More on Illegal Immigration

I am the child of Holocaust survivors. My parents came to this country after the war and were sent to Ellis island to be vetted.