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September 19, 2024
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Jewish Link Staff

Articles by Jewish Link Staff

Yavneh Academy Tees Off Again

(Courtesy of Yavneh Academy) The Yavneh Academy 18th Annual Golf, Fitness and Tennis Outing, held on July 10, was a resounding success, bringing together parents,

Tisha B’Av: Day of … Hope?

By Yitzhak Kornbluth There have been many connections drawn between Tish’a B’av and Pesach.  Of these, many involve contrast (such as in the קינה of

Zera Shimshon on Devarim

וַיִּשְׁמַע ה’ אֶת קוֹל דִּבְרֵיכֶם וַיִּקְצֹף וַיִּשָּׁבַע לֵאמֹר: אִם-יִרְאֶה אִישׁ בָּאֲנָשִׁים הָאֵלֶּה, הַדּוֹר הָרָע הַזֶּה—אֵת, .הָאָרֶץ הַטּוֹבָה, אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּעְתִּי, לָתֵת לַאֲבֹתֵיכֶם (דברים א/לד-לה) “And Hashem