Ma’ayanot Alumna Inspires Health Sciences Students
Temima Yellin, Ma’ayanot Class of ‘18, recently shared her journey and research with each of the three elective classes in the Ma’ayanot Health Sciences concentration
Temima Yellin, Ma’ayanot Class of ‘18, recently shared her journey and research with each of the three elective classes in the Ma’ayanot Health Sciences concentration
Amazing odds! This father of a former SINAI@RYNJ student flew to Israel to join his milium (reserve) unit of the IDF. Like many other soldiers,
Chazak chazak v’nischazeik! Anshei Lubavitch students finished learning all of the parshios in Sefer Bereshis and celebrated by making siyumim! They celebrated with singing and
The second grade girls at YRSRH had an exciting publishing party to celebrate the conclusion of their personal narrative writing unit. Each girl wrote about
One would never know it is winter outside, but come into Nitzanei Noam and winter is in the air. There were snow ball fights, snow
Since Parshas Bereishis, Cheder Yaldei Menachem has been living with the weekly sedra. They learned the Torah stories, and experienced them through a range of
What a special experience it was for the Moriah children to participate in the Moriah Early Childhood Bake Sale, in memory of Evan Levy, z”l.
Lubavitch on the Palisades students began their winter unit by making snowmen, decorating snowflakes with shaving cream and paint, playing counting games with cotton balls,
He’Atid kindergarten students and their families had a great time at the siyum celebrating their completion of Bereishit. The students and their adoring parents, grandparents
RPRY early childhood students and family enjoyed an evening filled with musical Havdala, coloring and a beautiful musical performance celebrating the end of Sefer Bereshit.
One of the highlights of seventh grade in Yavneh Academy is the annual three-day trip to Camp Frost Valley in Claryville, New York, and this
JEC had its second annual Rashi Breakfast for third grade students and their parents. They marked the momentous occasion of the beginning of their mefarshim