Camp Summer Playland Does Color Run
To infuse meaning and build a sense of Ahavas Yisroel into the Nine Days, Camp Summer Playland partnered with Yad Leah to dress-up Israel’s needy.
To infuse meaning and build a sense of Ahavas Yisroel into the Nine Days, Camp Summer Playland partnered with Yad Leah to dress-up Israel’s needy.
There’s nothing like the forest feast in Camp Yagilu Wilderness! Self-reliance was the theme of the week in Yagilu. The campers built ovens out of
It was a colorful week at Camp Gan Yavneh! On Tuesday everyone came to camp dressed in rainbow themed clothing. The children all loved Tie
Al Haderech Travel Boys had a great first week of camp. In a few short days, they went to Top Golf, bowling, Yestercades and volunteered
Aryeh Adventures enjoys a breathtaking hike in Bryce Canyon and gets in one last water activity before the start of the Nine Days in Zion
Color War on Shabbos? No way! Believe it or not, for the first time Camp Dora Golding had Color War on Shabbos. The zemiros on
The girls and boys enjoyed fine arts this week with specialty teacher, Helene. The campers built and painted 3D wooden birds with their bunks this
Camp Shalom kicked off their first theme day of the summer with an epic Glow Party to get the ruach going—and glowing! Donned in black
Although week one was only three days, Al Haderech Travel Girls did so much! They started their week with a trip to Urban Air and
The yeladim at Camp Kol Chaverim Preschool enjoyed a special week with sun and sand. Campers had a special visit from Miss G and enjoyed
Campers at Camp Shemesh at the Stein Yeshiva beat the summer heat with an amazing foam party! The campers loved covering themselves in foam and
Camp Chaverim campers enjoyed a fun-filled trip to Billy Beez. Campers enjoyed over 1,000 feet of slides, all sorts of climbing courses, soccer and basketball