RIETS to Honor Bergenfield’s Rabbi Zvi and Rebbetzin Dr. Efrat Sobolofsky
On Wednesday, May 9, the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) will hold its annual evening of tribute. The guests of honor will be Rabbi
On Wednesday, May 9, the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) will hold its annual evening of tribute. The guests of honor will be Rabbi
Our group of wine tasters took a huge step out of our comfort zone for a recent tasting of Shavuot wines. Five of us brought
The room is hot and overcrowded, but you can hear a pin drop as the national winners are announced. The excitement is palpable at the
Last summer included a shocking wake-up call for many Jewish residents of Teaneck, considering that at the northern end of the county an eruv built
Nearly 1,000 attend Amudim event It’s a life-and-death situation, but we, as a community, can turn it around. With clarity of message on Sunday night
It’s a life-and-death situation, but we, as a community, can turn it around. With clarity of message on Sunday night at TABC, the words of
One of Bergen County’s only standalone physical therapy rehabilitation centers, Churchill Orthopedic Rehab invited current and former patients to a festive lunch on Sunday to
To butcher Billy Joel’s lyrics a bit, “Who needs a ‘Chabad House’ out in Hackensack?” Well, it’s clear to many that Bergen County does. Just
With a lot of help from my discerning and talented wine-tasting team, we sought wines that are light enough to drink a glass or two,
Everyone knows wine is most often made from grapes, but it can actually be made from almost any fruit or vegetable. While it’s hard to
It’s the stuff of legend. American-born Amichai Luria, who made aliyah when he was four years old, was a wine hobbyist (a self-taught winemaker) when
Last week, on the Facebook group Teaneck/Bergenfield Jewish Moms, which has almost 1,700 members, a single post garnered over 350 comments. Given our deadline it’s