MeiBidud l’Kheirut, From Quarantine to Freedom
בְּהַעֲלוֹתִי עַל לְבָבִי ,אֵשׁ תּוּקַד בְּקִרְבִּי At our Mitzrayim liberation Now virus and death, and shortness of breath As we live in isolation שִׁיר לֹא
בְּהַעֲלוֹתִי עַל לְבָבִי ,אֵשׁ תּוּקַד בְּקִרְבִּי At our Mitzrayim liberation Now virus and death, and shortness of breath As we live in isolation שִׁיר לֹא
Many recent newspaper articles, blogs and social media posts have been critical of the continuing prohibition of kitniyot among Ashkenazic Jews on Pesach. The kitniyot
Imagine a football game that features a selection of NFL players who form two evenly-matched teams, with the exception of quarterback. One team starts Minnesota
“Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh.” The sound of a motorboat? No, these are the sounds actually uttered by a man who davened Selichos next to me several years ago.