Ma’ayanot Sophomores Head to Broadway
Maayanot 10th graders went to see the newly-opened, limited engagement Broadway production of Henrik Ibsen’s famous play “A Doll’s House.” Starring Jessica Chastain, it is
Maayanot 10th graders went to see the newly-opened, limited engagement Broadway production of Henrik Ibsen’s famous play “A Doll’s House.” Starring Jessica Chastain, it is
Since last Sunday a group of MTA talmdim have been on the ground in Romania helping to resettle orphans displaced by the ongoing war in
This past week, Heichal talmidim assisted over 20 chaburos, groups, of families and friends in baking their own matzah for Pesach. Groups organized by Rabbi
The Idea School’s Color War last week was a blast of green and orange. Ninth and 10th graders—Team Youth—were pitted against 11th and 12th graders—Team
Mazal tov to the JKHA middle school Torah Bowl boys and girls teams for winning their division championships, Over the course of the year the
JEC fifth graders stepped up their chesed at the JFS food pantry. The lower school kehillah collected extra mishloach manot to be donated to the
The Gemara (Kiddushin 81a) records a remarkable incident. Rabbi Akiva, the greatest Tannaitic sage, taunts the yetzer hara, evil inclination, whereby the yetzer hara then
Thanks for a great newspaper. I read with interest the Jewish Link article reprinted from 18Forty by the rebbe who shared the frightful financial state
This past Wednesday, the seventh graders decorated stuffed animals for ill children as part of the “Do Good Doggies” program. This program is a culmination
As an educator for many years I daily thanked HKBH for the zechus of working with our beautiful Jewish children and hoped to help promote
Editor’s note: After the events discussed below, emails were sent to the memberships of Congregations AABJ&D and Ohr Torah. Their combined message is reprinted with
Close to 30 RKYHS female students are making their way through the 150 perakim of Tehillim! The OU’s Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program created a