The Heroic and Righteous Danish Gentiles
In 1994 I published an article in the Jewish Press and Aufbau (a German Jewish paper) about my wonderful experiences with my grandmother Elfriede Cohn.
In 1994 I published an article in the Jewish Press and Aufbau (a German Jewish paper) about my wonderful experiences with my grandmother Elfriede Cohn.
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(Courtesy of Haas and Zaltz) America’s favorite tough guy, Bruce Willis, recently received a diagnosis of Frontotemporal Dementia or FTD which destroys the brain’s frontal
Jewish Young Community (JYC) – Morris County Area provides a welcoming environment for young professionals and graduate students (20s, 30s and 40s) in the northern
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(Courtesy of Biale Rebbe’s Office) Teaneck residents are getting excited. The Rebbe is coming again. Hardly a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe of
(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) Bris Avrohom celebrated Purim with an exciting, Israeli-themed “Purim in Israel” bash. Over 250 people participated in the fun-filled festival. Two
(Courtesy of Next Level Sports) Next Level Sports is more than just a typical sports program or sports league for children. The program goes beyond
During BBYO’s 2023 International Convention, Livingston native TJ Katz (LHS Class of 2023) was elected the 99th Grand Aleph Godol (international president) of its International
NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “It’s a true inspiration to watch someone take military prowess and transform it into art for the sake of peace.” On
Are you looking for a young adult Jewish organization that meets the needs of graduates and young professionals in your area? Jewish Young Community (JYC)