RKYHS Students Examine Torah and Science Interplay
The students and faculty of RKYHS were honored to hear from Professor Nathan Aviezer, a professor of physics and former chairman of the physics department
The students and faculty of RKYHS were honored to hear from Professor Nathan Aviezer, a professor of physics and former chairman of the physics department
The JKHA Middle School gathered together with their parents on the last day of Chanukah for an inspiring morning of parent/child learning that brought meaning
On the second day of Chanukah, the JKHA pre-K performed their Chanukah show, under the guidance of their teachers and the school’s music teacher. The
The JKHA Lower School incorporated Chanukah into their classroom learning throughout the week. As part of the third grade unit of Or Chanukah, the entire
Students at JKHA/RKYHS spent Chanukah giving back. LS and MS students collected and donated toys for the Ohel Toy Drive. JKHA second grade students delivered
Bill Hyman, NCAA Division 1 National Wrestling Champion (1985) and Maccabiah World Champion (1985), visited Frisch earlier this week to speak with the Cougars and
On opening night of the basketball season, Noam traveled to RYNJ and came away with a 55-37 victory. The game was much closer than the
The 2015 Rubinstein/Emunah JV Tournament has an unusual international flavor this year as tournament organizers Ronnie Faber and Coach Avi Borenstein arranged for a team
Yavneh Academy’s fourth graders collaborated to donate sports equipment to i-Shine so that other children might have enhanced opportunities to get active and have fun.
Yeshiva Middle School Sports Association Boys 6th Grade Basketball Playoffs Playoffs Round 2 Date Time Home Away Result 05/09/2016 6:30 PM NOAM BPY NOAM (51)
The Alisa Flatow Memorial Scholarship Fund is now accepting on-line applications for the 2016-2017 academic year at www.alisafund.org Awards are made for full time study in