Pre-Nursery children dressed in their rain gear for a mabul rain party. The Pre-K children learned all about the teivah interactively, particularly regarding the levels
Developing heartfelt tefillah that binds together the community is a process that requires ongoing reflection and commitment. Over the past few weeks Ma’ayanot was proud
Freshmen at Frisch spent an exciting and awe-inspiring Shabbat in the mountains this past week for the annual Freshman Retreat Shabbaton. Over a long weekend
TABC students and Rebbeim celebrated Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan with a beautiful singing of Hallel, followed by a rolicking game of Human Hungry Hungry Hippos. The
In honor of Parshat Noach, the animals from Quiver Farms came to visit the early childhood students at Yavneh Academy.
At the start of the school year, Ma’ayanot was thrilled to unveil its new iMac Innovation Lab. Pictured above, Ma’ayanot students enjoy working and collaborating
Yeshivat Noam is very proud of the over 50 students that invested a portion of their time off during Sukkot to learning mishnayot and completing
Moriah Kindergarteners had fun studying the artist Wassily Kandinsky and his artwork. They were taught that many artists, including Kandinsky, are inspired by nature and
Ben Porat Yosef elementary school students learned all about healthy eating in a program, “Eating the Rainbow,” as presented by Nutrition Health Coach, Gila Guzman,
This week, Frisch sophomores had their first chesed day. Dr. Tuvia Book introduced the program by speaking about an Israeli organization, Save A Child’s Heart,
Parshat Noach came to life for the JKHA students in Early Childhood and Grades 1 and 2. They were greeted by a petting zoo as