TABC Sunday Morning Kollel Makes Siyum
After eight months of continuous learning, TABC’s Sunday Kollel finished Mesechta Tamid this past week. The celebratory breakfast was enjoyed by 30 TABC boys and
After eight months of continuous learning, TABC’s Sunday Kollel finished Mesechta Tamid this past week. The celebratory breakfast was enjoyed by 30 TABC boys and
Kol Chaverim Preschool celebrated its 11th birthday with a fun celebration in each class filled with yummy treats, singing and dancing. Thank you to all
The children at Gan Yaldenu of Teaneck have been busy getting ready to enjoy a big birthday celebration! They are learning Israeli songs and dances.
The children at Gan Henel have their passports ready and their suitcases packed. Their flight to Israel is scheduled to leave bright and early and
(Ma’ayanot Sports) When Ma’ayanot started its outdoor soccer team five years ago, the girls could only play a few games against public schools, who start
As part of their extraordinarily impressive final Project Based Learning unit, the eighth graders were tasked with designing a Holocaust museum. Inspired by the knowledge
Former special envoy helped broker Abraham Accords with UAE, Bahrain and Morocco. (Courtesy of JCPA) The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, one of Israel’s leading
(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) Upon completing the 42nd study cycle of the Rambam, initiated by the Rebbe in 1984, Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky made a siyum.
SINAI Schools will hold its annual Unique Inspirations Student Art Show on Sunday, May 7, 4-6 p.m. at Congregation Beth Abraham in Bergenfield. Generously sponsored
Congregation Ahavas Achim of Highland Park, New Jersey, invites community members to join them for a Monte Carlo Casino Night, on Sunday, April 30, starting
Age Friendly Teaneck has announced an opportunity for a paid summer internship as a way to educate and encourage students to consider elder care as
Earth day is on April 22, and what better way to prepare than to learn why the Earth is important and how we should look