Moriah Goes M’Dor L’Dor
The Moriah kindergarten class was delighted to host a very special guest reader this past week, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin! Rabbi Goldin, the rabbi emeritus of
The Moriah kindergarten class was delighted to host a very special guest reader this past week, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin! Rabbi Goldin, the rabbi emeritus of
There was no one like Rav Moshe Kahn. He dedicated his life to connecting women to Torah on the highest of levels. And that’s all
Over the last several weeks, the 12th grade students have been learning taharat hamishpacha in their Halacha classes. They learned the halachot in depth from
The famous quotation “Send not to know, For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee” (John Donne, Ernest Hemingway) is frighteningly appropriate today in
Shlomo Yosef “Yoshe” Nachfolger—a cousin of ours—a melamed, a lamdin and a tzaddik, recently went to shul and after saying Shema at his seat, he
Cheder Yaldei Menachem celebrated Yud Shevat and the Lubavitcher Rebbes’ leadership with a schoolwide farbrengen. Through visuals, song and dance they absorbed their notable mission
Finding out a family member has cancer is devastating. No matter what the prognosis, it’s scary as hell. Nobody thinks it will happen to them,
This week, MDS eighth grade students interviewed and filmed survivors for the annual “Names Not Numbers©” Holocaust documentary program. Jillian Weiss, Melissa Appel and filmmaker
This past Thursday was Groundhog Day. The first Groundhog Day was celebrated on February 2, 1887 at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The idea behind
Ed Cohen, radio voice of the New York Knicks, spoke to Yeshivat Frisch students in Sports Management, Cougar Nation Network (sports broadcasting club) and the
Yavneh Academy’s early childhood and lower school readers dressed as book characters and parsha personalities at the third annual Character Day. Activities included character interviews,
This past Shabbos MTA talmidim and rebbeim gathered in Bergenfield for a tish to elevate their Shabbos with some MTA energy. This tish was unique