What Zelensky Can Learn From Netanyahu
When Bibi collided with Obama in 2011, Rahm Emanuel pounded my chest and barked: ‘Your [expletive] prime minister cannot come into the [expletive] White House
When Bibi collided with Obama in 2011, Rahm Emanuel pounded my chest and barked: ‘Your [expletive] prime minister cannot come into the [expletive] White House
Among many other time-tested attributes, the Jewish people have a long memory. Aid us in the manner of the ancient Persian King Cyrus, and
Is this period more like 1967, when Israel preemptively attacked its enemies? Or like 1973—when it failed to do so? For more than two weeks,
Hezbollah won’t accept a ceasefire unless Hamas does. Hamas will not agree to a ceasefire. Hence, Israel will go to war against Hezbollah. The basis
Hamas the military force will never be the same after this Israeli campaign. But Hamas the movement, Hamas the idea, will surely survive. Israelis may
“When will you ever learn?” asked the refrain in Pete Seeger’s classic anti-war song, “Where Have All the Flowers Gone.” “When will they ever learn?”The
Connect all the dots and you will get an Israel-Saudi peace ceremony on the White House lawn. But getting there won’t be easy. When we