Ancient Kings of Israel and Judah in Archaeological Sources
One of the last kings of Judah was Yehoyachin. We know from the books of Jeremiah and Kings that he was exiled by Nebuchadnezzar 11
One of the last kings of Judah was Yehoyachin. We know from the books of Jeremiah and Kings that he was exiled by Nebuchadnezzar 11
This parsha includes many interesting words. I thought it would be interesting to discuss some of them. Achu: grass or reed (as food for cattle).
Antiochus (=Antiochus IV) acceded to the throne in 175 B.C.E. In the beginning of his reign, a priest named Jason purchased the high priesthood with
No, this is not an article about Ashrei. (I have written about that before.) I am now going to write about nuns that are root
Since it is now the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration of Nov. 2017, everyone has been writing about it. Even a new book came
This week’s parsha has a very interesting word: M-Sh-T-A-H. The entire phrase is: “ve-ha-ish mishtaeh lah.” The man is Eliezer and the “lah” refers to
Among the ancient texts found in the Dead Sea region are both biblical and non-biblical texts. In this column, I am going to focus on
Nowhere in Tanach is anyone counting the year from Creation. What is the origin of this counting method? As further background, if one looks at
We all wonder about those long lifespans recorded at the beginning of Genesis. For example, we are told that Adam lived 930 years, that Shet
My father passed away on September 2, at the age of 91. I wanted to share his life story. He was born in Brooklyn in
Many interesting words come up in the context of the High Holidays. (Many of the paytannim enjoyed using rare words!) I will discuss a few
The Torah gives very little explanation of the holiday that we call today Rosh HaShanah. The Torah calls it only “yom teruah” (in Parshat Pinchas)