‘Vi Volt Ir Es Gezogt of Yiddish?’ or ‘How Would You Say It in Yiddish?’
Teaneck resident Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath is helping people answer the question, “Vi volt ir es gezogt of Yiddish?” or “How would you say it in Yiddish?”
Teaneck resident Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath is helping people answer the question, “Vi volt ir es gezogt of Yiddish?” or “How would you say it in Yiddish?”
Closing off the 3rd Annual Bergen County Community Education Conference with a vital message for parents and mechanchim was Mrs. Shani Taragin. A highly regarded
It is Erev Yom Tov and you have just completed a three-day cooking marathon. With a mere few hours left before candlelighting you are appalled
The tension within the picturesque main sanctuary of the West Side Institutional Synagogue mounted on Sunday afternoon, June 19, as the contestants were seated on
{jcomments on} “‘Kibbutz Galiyot: ingathering of the exiles,’ one of the cornerstones of the return to Zion in the modern State of Israel,
Approximately 750 guests assembled on Tuesday evening, May 31, at the Frisch School auditorium for the fourth Moriah “Names, Not Numbers” documentary film viewing and
For the past six weeks, Mondays at TABC saw the assemblage of 50 plus women who came to hear Rabbi Daniel Fridman, faculty member at
In a community abounding in shuls such as our own, it is amazing that somehow families are able to identify the one that best meets
Many of us have no doubt experienced the feeling of confusion and resulting frustration when entering a shul whose seder and nusach ha’tefillah, order and
What do you say when two outstanding Jewish educators, intellectuals and trailblazers pick up and move their family to Israel? You wish them hatzlacha and
For Rona Anhalt of Englewood, the “blown away” moment of the recent FIDF mission was Shabbat morning in the Krakow Synagogue when survivor Ed Mosberg,
Whether the raid on Entebbe is recent history for us or a historical event that we only relate to through viewing the 1977 film Operation