Measure for Measure
This week’s parsha introduces the ten plagues, unleashing pain and devastation upon the Egyptians as Pharaoh stubbornly refuses to release his Jewish slaves or even
This week’s parsha introduces the ten plagues, unleashing pain and devastation upon the Egyptians as Pharaoh stubbornly refuses to release his Jewish slaves or even
Many of our tefillot and piyutim over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur take the form of an acrostic of the aleph-bet. Why do we use
Parshat Naso describes the option to become a nazir, prohibiting oneself from drinking wine (and even eating grapes!), cutting one’s hair and participating in the
In Parshat Pekudei, the Mishkan finally comes together. The Jewish people invested greatly in this holy project, donating precious gems and materials, fashioning the beautiful
Sometimes it feels like the parsha is talking directly to us about our situation today. Who can read Yehuda’s impassioned plea to release Binyamin without
What makes us forget Hashem and His place in our lives? In this week’s parsha, the Torah says that we run the risk of forgetting
Birshut rabbanim and teachers, Rebbetzin Kahn, Eli, Chavi, Tzvi and the whole family, my fellow students of Rabbi Kahn and everyone assembled. I am humbled
This week we prepare for Tisha B’Av, the day we mourn the loss of the Beit Hamikdash and many other tragedies we have endured as
In Parshat Kedoshim we read of the mitzvah of orlah: When we plant a fruit tree, we may not eat its fruits for the first
Which verse in the Torah summarizes what Judaism is all about? A midrash quoted in the Ein Yaakov offers several different answers to this question.