Naso: Promoting Unity Nearby
Two years ago, on this week of Parshas Naso, a Jewish man, Gary Turkel, a”h, went paddle boarding at Atlantic Beach. When he didn’t return
Two years ago, on this week of Parshas Naso, a Jewish man, Gary Turkel, a”h, went paddle boarding at Atlantic Beach. When he didn’t return
A good friend of mine, Dovid, flies weekly from Newark to Rochester, New York, for business. The Rochester airport is quite small and the staff
Behar-Bechukosai When I was a teenager learning in Eretz Yisrael, I returned to America in the summer to earn money for the following year in
Young children enjoy standing in front of mirrors and making funny faces. Why? Because the funny expressions stare right back at them! On a deeper
When I was 20 years old I lost my voice for a few weeks. I attributed this to my learning in a large beis midrash
As too many of us know personally, it’s not uncommon for large trees to fall during a storm. What you may not know is that
America has lots of expressions involving time. Time is money—Time flies—Ahead of his time—Killing time. Time is a concept that preoccupies us a lot! Since
Isn’t it interesting that two people can witness the same event and be affected in completely opposite ways? The great sage, Rebbi Yochanan, was swimming
This dvar Torah is dedicated l’ilui nishmas my mother, Miriam Mirel bas Shalom, a”h, whose yahrzeit is on the 13th of Adar. It’s hard to
For many years now, I’ve been bothered with a question that I know many have asked. Hashem performed incredible miracles for the Bnei Yisrael as
We live in a funny world, where contradictions live side-by-side and most of the time we hardly take notice. Our generation towers over others in
Timeless life lessons can come from surprising sources, even children’s books. My grandmother really enjoyed reading to me “The Little Engine That Could.” It’s a