Glittering From Within
Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei From the president on down, Americans are very attached to their money. They don’t part with it so willingly. They feel this even
Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei From the president on down, Americans are very attached to their money. They don’t part with it so willingly. They feel this even
The Jewish year comes to a close with Adar (using the prescribed method for counting months, which starts with Nisan). With the close of this
This dvar Torah is dedicated l’iluy nishmat my mother, Miriam Mirel bas Shalom, a”h, whose yahrtzeit is this Shabbos, the 13th of Adar. Kids absolutely
Who would you make “the face of the Jewish people”? Would it be Yaakov Avinu, whose face was engraved on the Throne of Glory? Would
When Hashem told Moshe to collect a machatzit hashekel (a certain coin) from every Jew over the age of 20, He commanded: “Zeh yitnu”—This is
As my wife and I passed by the ladies’ shoe department in a large department store, we saw hundreds of pairs of beautifully displayed expensive
Our sefer/parsha is known as the Book of Names, on the surface because it deals with names: the shevatim (tribes), Moshe Rabbeinu and Hashem. However,
What an emotional scene plays out before us when Yosef is reunited with Binyamin, his long-lost blood brother, whom he has not seen in 22
Our menorahs on Chanukah shine bright, but for what purpose? Are they just ornaments for the holiday? The Gemara in Shabbos indicates that Chanukah is