Tefillin: Reminds Us of the Source of Our Success
By Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim This week are the yahrzeits of Binyamin Yisrael ben Shlomo HaLevi Gonsher (10 Tammuz) and Shlomo Zalman ben Rabbi Mordechai Yisroel
By Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim This week are the yahrzeits of Binyamin Yisrael ben Shlomo HaLevi Gonsher (10 Tammuz) and Shlomo Zalman ben Rabbi Mordechai Yisroel
A married couple with one child came to me recently with a dilemma. As ba’alei teshuvah, they pondered whom they should list as a guardian
When I was in sixth grade, my friend, Meir Tannenbaum, would often share a gematria (the significance of the numerical value of words) or a
Last week was the first yahrzeit of Rabbi Uri Zohar, who had been a major celebrity in Eretz Yisrael as an actor, comedian and film
A couple of years ago, we hosted a guest for a Shabbos meal. At the end, we passed around benchers for Birkas Hamazon from our
In summer camp, I loved playing capture the flag. Each team had to hide its flag and protect it from being captured by their opponent.
There was a fellow I’d see occasionally whom I would encourage to learn in our yeshiva. He was always very cordial and polite, but he
As a child I used to love riding on an escalator. I would race my brother from the bottom to the top of the downward
Last year during Chol Hamoed Pesach, my recently married daughter and son-in-law were flying to Florida to join his family for the last days of
Frequently, when I meet someone from the Philadelphia area, they ask me if I’m related to “Mrs. Hansi Bodenheim.” “That’s my Oma (the German term
When I was young, I’d often have to split a cookie with my older brother. Being the middle child, it seemed to me that I
When I was 19, I went with two friends to Egypt to spend a few amazing days before Pesach. We toured the pyramids, saw the