Real Friendship
During the last couple of weeks our kehilla celebrated and mourned what epitomizes the circle of life. On the seventh day of Pesach, Mr. Seymour
During the last couple of weeks our kehilla celebrated and mourned what epitomizes the circle of life. On the seventh day of Pesach, Mr. Seymour
When I was a kid (wow, I’ve reached that age…), before Pesach I would bring home a nice Pesach booklet that contained many divrei Torah.
In my youth, before I owned any sefarim I loved siddurim and machzorim and was always excited by new ones. This was especially true as
During Shacharis and Mincha most weekdays, following Shemoneh Esrei, davening continues with the recitation of Tachanun. Perhaps the most under-appreciated section of davening, Tachanun is
Last Friday, as President Trump took the podium at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), he noticed his own reflection on television and remarked that
In case you are afraid that the honor and respect conferred upon rabbis goes to their heads, rest assured that rabbis have a built-in “humility
Someone once noted that it’s not easy being the child of a therapist. Everything that happens in the child’s life is psychoanalyzed—why did you do
I am always amazed by airports. It’s incredible that from every gate throughout the terminals, planes depart for different places all over Earth. One gate
On Wednesday, in March 2008, our family moved to our current home at 3 Landau Lane. That Shabbos, two of our close friends—the Kraus and
During one of my visits to Eretz Yisrael a few years ago, I was getting ready to shave before Shabbos. Although my shaver was wired
As I was preparing the wicks and oil for the menorah during one of the mornings of Chanukah, our 4-year-old son, Dovid, commented that he
This week, one of the non-Jewish teachers in yeshiva related that he is surprised that there were regular general studies classes during Chanukah. He noted