July 26, 2024
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July 26, 2024
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Rabbi Daniel Fridman

Articles by Rabbi Daniel Fridman

Blue Blood: Bava Metzia daf 113

Princes and princesses generally seek to marry other blue-blooded individuals. Such unions are forged by their common aristocratic upbringing and very often serve to form

An Open Letter to President Biden

Author’s Note: Ramban teaches us that when the Jewish people are confronted with a crisis, as Yaakov was with Esav, the principle of ma’aseh avot

A Great Kiddush Hashem in Teaneck

When Nadav and Avihu tragically died, Mishael and Eltzafan were told by Moshe Rabbeinu, קרבו, שאו את אחיכם מאת פני הקודש, “Come close, and carry

Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, z”l

Editor’s note: The Jewish Link was saddened to hear of the petira of Rabbi Lamm early this week. Rabbi Fridman provided just one of several

A Tribute to Our Physicians

As I am certain was true for tens of millions of Americans, I was deeply pained and saddened to learn of the death by suicide