Leadership and the Mishkan
“And you shall make a Sanctuary for Me and I shall dwell in them,” (Shemot 25:8). After listing the required donations and materials, Hashem commands
“And you shall make a Sanctuary for Me and I shall dwell in them,” (Shemot 25:8). After listing the required donations and materials, Hashem commands
“And Yaakov worked seven years for Rachel, and they were in his eyes like but a few days (yamim achadim) because of his love for
“You shall pay his wage on that day and the sun shall not set on him, for he is poor and his life depends on
“These are the names of the men who Moshe sent to spy out the Land, and Moshe called Hoshea bin Nun, ‘Yehoshua’” (Bamidbar 13:16). This
“And Hashem spoke to Moshe and to Aharon, as follows: ‘If a person (adam) will have on the skin of his flesh a swelling or
“And Hashem said to Moshe, ‘Behold I shall cause bread to rain for you from the heaven, and the people shall go out and collect
In the middle section of this week’s parsha, Avraham orders his trusted servant (who our Sages inform us was Eliezer) to journey and find a
“And Novach went and occupied (the city of) Kenat and her suburbs and he called her ‘Novach’ after his name (vayikra la ‘Novach’ bishmo),” (Bamidbar
“And Hashem said, ‘Behold there is a place near Me and you can stand on the rock. And it shall be when My glory passes
“And Moshe said, so says Hashem, ‘At about midnight (kechatzot) I shall go out in the midst of Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt shall die,
Our forefather Avraham was not only a person of tremendous belief and a person of exceptional action, but also someone who amassed immense wealth. Considering