September 6, 2024
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September 6, 2024
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Rabbi Dr. Joshua Waxman

Rabbi Dr. Joshua Waxman teaches computer science at Stern College for Women, and his research includes programmatically finding scholars and scholastic relationships in the Babylonian Talmud.

Articles by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Waxman

Abrogating Betrothal: Ketubot 3a

Last week, we encountered hafka’at kiddushin, abrogation of betrothal, as proposed by Rav Ashi, a sixth-generation Amora and redactor of the Talmud. Let’s consider how

Stolen Affection: Yevamot 110a

In Yevamot 110a, the Gemara discussed one of the small set of incidents in which Rav Ashi declares אַפְקְעִינְהוּ רַבָּנַן לְקִידּוּשֵׁי מִינֵּיהּ, that even though

Where Credit Is Due: Yevamot 96-97

In Yevamot 96b, Rabbi Yochanan (a second-generation Amora from Teveriah) is furious with his student, Rabbi Eleazar ben Pedat (a second-generation Amora from Teveriah), who

Hello Kedi. Yevamot 90a

A Baker’s Dozen Occurrences Who is Kedi? This sage is offered as an alternate attribution in several sugyot, such as Yevamot 90a:  וְאָמַר רָבָא וְאָמְרִי

Interpreting Extraneous Vavs: Yevamot 68-69

Rabbi Akiva (ben Yosef) and Rabbi Yishmael (ben Elisha), two fourth-generation Amoraim, famously have different approaches to Biblical interpretation. While both developed hermeneutical rules—e.g., Rabbi