Responding to Accusations (Ketubot Daf 14)
I. Silence in the Face of Accusations Silence implies guilt. If we refuse to deny an accusation, we give it credibility. Does that mean that
I. Silence in the Face of Accusations Silence implies guilt. If we refuse to deny an accusation, we give it credibility. Does that mean that
Dreams are a common part of daily life to which the Talmudic Sages attribute great importance. However, on a more careful look, we find conflicting
With the U.S. Supreme Court reconsidering federal law on abortion, we would do well to consider the views of great Jewish thinkers who have addressed
It seems that every few years, some renegade rabbi or academic argues that the message of the Akeidah, the binding and near-sacrifice of Yitzchak (Gen.
I. Lashon Hara With Legs The idea that derogatory speech can go viral—a post, video or message can be forwarded thousands of times—should more than
The 1848 (5608-9) cholera epidemic has become famous in Jewish history because it was the moment when the 37-year-old Rav Yisrael Salanter first took on
To our great sadness, the societal shutdown due to the coronavirus also closed yeshivos. The government rightly insisted that all schools cease in-class teaching. Schools
We bentch Gomel (recite the “Gomel” blessing) on being saved from a dangerous situation. How does that apply to the coronavirus? Arguably, everyone in the
Most of us have missed the weekly Torah readings since March 21 (Vayakhel-Pekudei), some even from March 7 (Tetzaveh). When the time comes to return
While we have lived through multiple pandemics (SARS, Ebola, AIDS to name a few), most of us have not experienced it as personally and directly
Learning Torah is supposed to be enjoyable but it is more than that. We have the opportunity to rethink our attitudes to learning Torah as
Highlighting: “Rakafot Aharon, Volume 4,” by Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff, edited by Rabbi Dr. Yaakov S. Weinstein, published by Shvut Ami, 344 pages, 2019. In