Why Not Cheat?
An Upset Talmid A talmid walked into the room very upset. The talmid’s math teacher returned his test, and the results were less than stellar.
An Upset Talmid A talmid walked into the room very upset. The talmid’s math teacher returned his test, and the results were less than stellar.
Differing Traditions Rav Ovadia Yosef (Teshuvot Yabia, Omer 6, Yoreh Deah 7 and Yalkut Yosef, Yoreh Deah 89:46) permits Sephardic Jews to eat meat after
During a two-day deep dive into OU kosher’s policy to certify “dairy English muffins,” a thoughtful talmid raised a fundamental question: Does Hashem truly care
The Rant A talmid shared a disturbing report of a history professor’s bizarre behavior. The professor devoted 45 minutes of the first day of her
What a remarkable insight from the Ramban, perfect for Parshat Lech Lecha, the beginning of our people! Shirat Ha’azinu (Devarim 32: 26-27) teaches that Hashem
All those who write about contemporary Halacha often cite “Teshuvot Tzitz Eliezer,” a collection of responsa authored by Rav Eliezer Waldenberg. Let us present a
The Problem I was shocked to hear of the following situation: A rabbinic colleague shared a dilemma faced by a young congregant. The congregant is
The Rama (Orach Chaim 651:1) famously teaches that we should keep the hadassim above the aravot, but does not offer a reason for this practice.
The Acharonim debate if Hashem forgives aveirot bein adam laMakom (sins between Hashem and us) if one did not appease those against whom he sinned.
Reviewing: “The Tripod: A New Perspective on the Shalosh Regalim” by Neil Lauer. Mosaica Press. 2022. Hardcover. 324 pages. ISBN-13: 9781957579139. What a magnificent work
We Shall Return It is one of the most puzzling aspects of Akedat Yitzchak! Avraham Avinu (in pasuk five) takes leave of his assistants and
At the wedding of my older son Binyamin to Raizy Neuman a few weeks ago, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of great hakarat hatov